Sutherland Shire Holiday Clinics – Gymea Bay Oval – 21st, 22nd December 2023

Push yourself to become a better cricketer over the Holidays
SKU: CL-EHC-01-2-1-1-1-1-3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Sutherland Shire Holiday Clinics – Gymea Bay Oval – 21st, 22nd December 2023


Gymea Bay Oval

21st, 22nd December 2023

8:30am – 3:00pm

**for player up to 13 years of age. attendees will be split into age/ability groups**

Each player will need to be signed in and out of the clinic. No player is to leave without signing out. In the past we have had players heading home with other families. If you need to do this please advise the person taking names at the start of the day. We can not let players leave because parents do not want to get out of cars for pick up. Please follow these rules for the benefit of both player and coaching staff. We will have hand sanitiser available, but will not be responsible for players sunscreen. We are also now starting the clinics at 8am to allow parents time to drop players off before work. If you are going to be dropping players off before 8:00am, please email Ash to notify.

Players are expected to speak to the coaching staff if they have any problems what so ever. If your player is not getting the go he or she want, we ask them to notify a coach and we will make it happen. These clinics are set out to advance your player while having as much fun as possible. If players get in and have a go at all skills, they will walk away a better player and with plenty of new friends.

Cricket Appeal does not offer refunds for players. The clinic will go ahead RAIN, HAIL OR SHINE. The COVID virus will be monitored carefully and we will adhere to the guidelines set out by the government. If for some reason the clinic gets cancelled, you will receive a full refund. This has never happened, but these times are weird ones!!

Once again we look forward to working with your player over the coming holiday period. We have no doubt, your player will love their time with Cricket Appeal at our holiday clinic.
Train it, play it, live it!!!!!!

Players must be 13 years or younger to attend the clinic

All Cricket Appeal coaching staff are double vaccinated

Ticket Options

2 Day Individual, 1 Day Individual, 2 Day Family Pass, 1 Day Family Pass


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